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Japanese short stories.

Translated by Takashi Kojima

Short stories.

notes: Contents: A sprig of cherry (Introduction), The hell screen, A clod of soil, Nezumi-Kozo (The Japanese Robin Hood), Heichu, the amorous genius, Genkaku-Sanbo, Otomi’s virginity, The spider’s thread, The nose, The tangerines, The story of Yonosuke. Introduction by John McVittie. Illustrations by Masakazu Kuwata.
subjects: Short stories, Japanese, Translations into English
genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9784805304648
OCLC number: 3126481
publisher: Liveright Pub. Corp., 1961, 1962, 1970; Avon, 1962; Tuttle, 1981, 2000
publication place: New York; New York; Rutland, VT; New York
english publication date: 1961
document type: Book
description: 224 p. illus. 21 cm.